Monday, 8 March 2021

2urvive Upgrades To Complete

 An afternoon Sunday session saw 2URVIVE continue up to completion in the early evening.

The unlocks began with No Solution (100G) after completing Episode IX- PEACE and five minutes later, Blood Brothers (100G) popped after completing Episode X- Sunrise.

Not Over (50G) popped after unlocking the story mode '28 Days Before'  The new mode's unlocks began with A Difficult Choice (100G) after completing Episode II- OBEY.

Not A Hero (100G) after defeating Subject Zero and was soon followed by Mission Completed (100G) unlocked after completing the opening mission in 'Mercenaries' mode. 

Arachnophobia (50G) crawled in after killing 10 spiders in 'Mercenaries' mode and the completion was reached with Super Soldier (100G) marching in after hitting the maximum level at level 40. 

2URVIVE Shoots And Trains

The weekend began with the start of one of the week's sale purchases in the form of 2urvive which is a horror shooter style game. 

Unlocks began with Thank You Dear Player (50G) after viewing the credits by choice and once gameplay began, Ready For The Mission (50G) popped after completing the training. 

Rest In Peace (100G) rose up after completing Episode IV- Hope and the Saturday session ended with Good Father (100G) after completing Episode VII- Runaway. 

Saturday, 6 March 2021

Aery Little Bird Adventure's Rapid Flypast

Another of the week's purchases today (Friday) in the form of Aery- Little Bird Adventure joined the collection with a fairly quick completion but at the same time is a very relaxing game to play. 

The session opened with The Dream (100G) as the journey began and was followed by The Ocean (100G) after the last day at home. 

The Canyon (100G)
 popped next as water vanished and land took over and The Lost Forest (100G) unlocked after seeing the accomplishments of human kind. 
The Tree of Live (100G) sprouted next after discovering the hidden valley and soon Mountain Exploration (100G) popped after reaching the summit of the frozen mountain. 

The Ascent (100G)
unlocked after travelling along the rocky path with Above The Sky (100G) popping after finding an unknown world. 
An Journey Ends (100G) popped after flying beyond imagination and the final unlock and completion arrived with Reach For The Stars (100G) with a cryptic message of the end or the beginning ?

Friday, 5 March 2021

GraviFire Final Landing as Castle Of No Escape Opens Windows

Today (Thursday) began with a play over on Windows 10 with the original Castle of No Escape and its one of the most rapid completions in the modern game collection with the opener being Face Controller Jr. (100G) after starting the game as a Champion. How about an Armor Jr. (100G) popped after opening the first chest.

Friendship Wins Jr. (100G) unlocked next after meeting the friendly NPC and was swiftly followed by How About A Weapon? Jr (100G) swung in after opening the second chest.

Bits and Bites Jr. (100G) popped up after starting the game as a Bandit and soon Papers of Pain Jr. (100G) unlocked after starting the game as a Shamaness.

I Didn't Do Nothing Jr. (100G)
came as a surprise after doing nothing for ten seconds and in doing so the popping of Untouchable Jr. (100G) for successfully evading an attack. 

What's Next? Jr. (100G) unlocked after finding an Orb and the completion arrived soon with the popping of I Know The Way Jr. (100G) after trying and failing to use an Orb. 

The afternoon saw a return to GraviFire with the goal being completion and the session began with the popping of Solved Level 20 (90G) after solving level 20 and an instant pop followed in Pass Level 20 (60G) after passing level 20.

Pass Level 25 (60G)
 popped around ten minutes later after passing level 25 and another 10 minutes later up popped Solved Level 30 (90G) for solving level 30. 

Pass Level 30 (60G) unlocked after passing level 30 and was soon followed by Pass Level 35 (60G) for passing level 35. 

The ten minutes or so for each set of ten levels continued with the popping of Solved Level 40 (90G) after solving level 40 and of course the instant unlocking of Pass Level 40 (60G) for passing level 40.

A level that had its own unlock was level 43 and it proved to be a tough one even with a guide leading to Solved Level 43 (90G). A few minutes later, Pass Level 45 (60G) popped for passing level 45 and opened the final path towards completion. 

The final unlock and completion came a while later due to an enforced break with the popping of Pass Level 50 (60G) for passing level 50. 


Thursday, 4 March 2021

GraviFire Manoeuvres Into The Adventure


Today (Wednesday) saw the second of las-week's pre-orders debut in the collection in the form of GraviFire with a short session in the evening. 

The session opened with the instant popping of Kidnapped (40G) after starting the journey and was soon followed by Pass Level 5 (60G) after completing all levels up to and including level five. 

Pass Level 10 (60G) unlocked late on after completing all levels up to and including level 10 and evening session then came to an end after Pass Level 15 (60G) popped after completing all levels up to and including level 15.