The penultimate post of the month covers the days from the 25th-30th starting with the 25th which saw a quick stop on
Project Spark (X1) and the single unlock of
Match Game 25 (75G) for making 25 matches in Treasure Trove.

The next day saw a split starting with
Xbox Fitness (X1) featuring the unlock of
Perfection Perfected (75G) for completing 10 sessions with a 5-star rating. A quick go on
Watch_Dogs (X1) saw
Magic Smoke (10G) pop up after killing four enemies within a single instance of Focus.

The following day saw the same split but with two more unlocks on
Watch_Dogs (X1) in the form of
Who Is Raymond Kenney (10G) for completing Act 2 with
Clear Signals (30G) popping up after unlocking every ctOS Tower.

A quick stop on
Xbox Fitness (X1) saw
Advanced (100G) unlock after earning a total of 100 workout stars.
Watch_Dogs (X1) began the next day with four unlocks starting with
One Down, One to Go (15G) for completing Act 3.

Disk Space Full (30G) clicked in after unlocking every song with the SongSneak app with
Vengeance (15G) popping up after completing Act 4.

Log Off (100G) unlocked after completing Act 5 with the session continued into the 29th with one more unlock in the form of
Peephole (30G) after completing every Privacy Invasion.

The final day of the post saw the debut of
Boggle (X1) with the single unlock of
Spelling Bee Contender (50G) after finishing first in an online game.
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