A day across the two consoles began with an midnight co-op session on
Need For Speed: Shift 2 Unleashed with Tonyboykid resulted in a duo of achievements beginning with
Recommended (5G) for completing an event recommended by a friend while
In The Zone (10G) popped up for winning an online event with helmet cam.

A quick play on
Halo:TMCC saw a single achievement in the form of
Third Time's A Charm (5G) for playing Halo 3 on the 25th of any month. After setting up a share across Xbox One with Tonyboykid we combined to play
Monopoly Plus which saw five achievements starting with
Good Start (30G) for owning my first property.

Bargain Master (30G) unlocked for buying a property by saving at least 10% of its original value with
Collector (150G) popping up for owning one property of every colour.

Investor (30G) unlocked for buying my first house with the session ending after the popping up of
Lucky Draw (30G) for earning more than M100 from a card.
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