After the pathway towards completion was formed on Sunday night, Monday saw Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2 completed with the final five unlocks. The session began with A Hero's Job Is Never Easy (25G) after rescuing all Peril characters.
Another Gold Brick In The Wall (25G) popped after collecting all Gold Bricks and was swiftly followed by Comic Book Collector (25G) after unlocking and viewing all Minikit comics. 

The Inhabitants Of Chronopolis (25G) moved in after purchasing all characters and the final unlock came in the form of 'Nuff Said (200G) after witnessing the 100% Lego Stud Fountain. 

Tuesday saw a new addition to the collection but not a new name as Supraland (Win 10) began after its recent addition to Gamepass and that I enjoyed and finished the Xbox One version back in November. The opening session saw three unlocks starting with Out of Bed (5G) for making a first step.
Through The Fire Pipe (10G) burned in after discovering the first secret area in the game and the day ended with The Blues (5G) after finding out what they were up to.